Inglês III A - 6ª Semana
6. Interpersonal Communication Skills
Ao final da aula 6, esperamos que você saiba identificar as estratégias: asking for repetition (pedindo para repetir), asking for clarification (pedindo esclarecimentos), checking understanding (checando compreensão) e circumlocution (circunlóquio).
Com base na nossa videoaula 6 — Interpersonal Communication Skills — destaque os aspectos mais significativos aprendidos.
We learned to reflect about communication strategies for solving misunderstandings;
We were also equipped with communication tools;
And how I can improve my communication skills.
I thought important too:
- Don’t use the same question over and over;
- Try to vary as much as you can;
- Try to use a synonym, gestures, mimes or a drawing.
Atividade 2
Conforme mostrado na videoaula 6, liste em inglês as frases ou perguntas que utilizamos para as seguintes estratégias de comunicação:
a. Ask for repetition
- I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?
- Coud you repeat the last pat of your sentence?
- Coud you repeat the last pat of your question?
- What did you say before….?
- What did you say after....?
b. Ask for clarification
- Sorry, I don’t understand the word you used…
- Could you clarify that, please?
- Could you explain what you mean by…?
- Are you saying that…?
- Did you mean…?
- I think I understand you… Am I right?
d. Circumlocution
- it's------------------------------------place/situation/device
- you use it to------------------write/photograph/communicate
- it's made of------------------metal/glass/plastic
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