Inglês - 2º Bimestre - 4ª Semana
Produção Escrita: Tipos de sentenças
Profª. Drª. Renata Simões
As sentenças podem ser:
Lembrando que nas sentenças imperativas perdem o sujeito e o verbo fica no infinitivo.
Funções da sentenças:
1.Topic Sentence
- introduz a ideia principal do parágrafo
- Primeira sentença do parágrafo;
- Nem genérica demais, nem específica demais.
2. Supporting Details
- Dar apoio ou suporte a Topic sentence dentro do parágrafo
- através de descrições, exemplos, razões, explicações e comparações
3. Closing Sentence
- Fazer a ligação entre um parágrafo e o próximo e dar coesão ao texto.
- resumindo a ideia geral do parágrafo;
- Repetindo uma palavra da Topic Sentence.
- Usando palavras com sentido de conclusão.
As sentenças a seguir são Topic Sentences (sentenças tópico). Você deve ler as sentenças tópico, em seguida ler os parágrafos e, depois, escolher um dos quatro números para cada parágrafo.
As Topic Sentences são:
1. I lived in a small town when I was. a child
2. When I have my own children, I want to move to a small town.
3. The town I live is very small.
4. There are two main advantages of living in a small town.
Paragraph A: Topic sentence ( 3)
First, you know everyone and everyone knows you. This helps you to
feel safe, and it is friendlier. Secondly, it is quiet and there are fewer
cars. This means there is less pollution than in a big town or city.
Paragraph B: Topic sentence (1 )
It was a very nice place to live then. Now it is much bigger than before.
More people live there and some big businesses opened offices there.
My parents still live there but they say it was better in the past.
Paragraph c: Topic sentence ( 2)
I don’t want my children to live in a big city because a big city is not
as friendly or as safe as a village. I want to move to the village where
my grandparents live. The children can play in the street there and
everyone knows each other
Paragraph D: Topic sentence (4 )
There are only a few food shops and one school here. Most people go
to the big city to go shopping for clothes and gifts. There is a doctor’s
but there isn’t a hospital. Again, you need to go to the city if you need
the hospital. However, our town is very nice and it has a beautiful park.
Atividade 2
A seguir, combine as sentenças (Sentences) da lista numerada com suas respectivas funções (Function) nas alternativas de a a d:
1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting sentence(s)
3. Concluding sentence
a. (1 ) Studying abroad has two main benefits.
b. (2 ) Firstly, people who study abroad can get a better job when they return to their home country. This is because their qualifications and experience mean that they tend to get jobs that are higher paid, and they can also gain promotion quickly.
c. (2 ) Another advantage of studying abroad is the independence students can gain. For example, students have to cope with the challenges of living alone and meeting new people from diferente cultures. As a consequence, they will become more confidente in their life and in their relationship with others.
d. ( 3) All in all, it is clear that studying abroad is a benefical experience.
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