a. entender as características de uma poster session;
b. ler um poster;
c. ampliar o vocabulário relativo a gráficos e quadros.
Atividade 1
Com base na nossa videoaula 3 – Attending a poster session – destaque os aspectos mais significativos aprendidos
- caracteristics of a poster session and layout
- revisist the concept of critical reading.
- ways of asking questions in a poster session
.Atividade 2
1. Assista a apresentação de poster virtual da aluna Sarah Maibach (de 1:00min a 2:38min) e identifique quais informações ela apresenta em seu poster. Assinale quantas alternativas forem necessárias.
a. ( x) The title.
b. (x ) Name and contact details of the author.
c. ( ) Affiliation.
d. (x) Academic event identification.
e. ( ) Abstract.
f. ( ) Introduction.
g. ( ) Methodology.
h. ( ) Results.
i. ( ) Conclusion.
j. ( ) References.
k. ( ) Acknowledgements.
2. Qual é o assunto do poster apresentado por Sarah Maibach?
a. (x ) Human biology major.
b. (x ) Hard Science.
c. (x ) Social Science.
d. ( ) Depression, anxiety and academic pressure in Chinese stu-dents.
Atividade 1
Resposta é livre.
Atividade 2
a. (X) The title.
b. (X) Name and contact details of the author.
c. (X) Affiliation.
d. ( ) Academic event identification.
e. (X) Abstract.
f. (X) Introduction.
g. (X) Methodology.
h. (X) Results.
i. (X) Conclusion.
j. (X) References.
k. (X) Acknowledgements.
a. ( ) Human biology major.
b. ( ) Hard Science.
c. ( ) Social Science.
d. (X) Depression, anxiety and academic pressure in Chinese students.
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