terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

Inglês - 2º Bimestre - 6ª Semana

Inglês - 2º Bimestre - 6ª Semana

Produção escrita: parágrafo (parte 2)Profª. Drª.Renata Mendes Simões

Dar continuidade ao processo da produção de parágrafos, com foco em marcadores de discursos e referências textuais. O objetivo é que o aluno compreenda as funções e relevância dos marcadores de discurso na composição de sentenças de parágrafos.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QakvkTkKR4U#t=505

Atividade 1

Escreva os conectores da caixa azul abaixo na coluna correspondente à função que ele exerce na sentença.

Ilustrar ou

on the other

more over

to ilustrate
for example
for intance



Atividade 2

Ainda utilizando os conectores da caixa azul da Atividade 1, complete as sentenças a seguir. Preste atenção na função que o conector terá na sentença.

1. The Geography class today is about the environment. more over we are going to talk about the rivers in the Amazon area.
2. In our History classes, the teacher always uses PowerPoint presentations. to illustrate, last week he showed some slides about Ancient Egypt.
3. His Math teacher explains geometry very well. although , he is not able to complete the exercises.
4. For example my sister studied hard for the test, she got a very low score.
5. We had a busy day at school yesterday. We had classes, watched a video, read books at the library and met with the director. At 3pm, we finally went home.

Atividade 3

Sublinhe todos os pronomes dessa historia sobre a manhã do dia de Natal.

When the two children woke up on Christmas day, they were very excited to find their presents. The night before they heard a long story their grandfather had told them about Santa Claus. So, very early in the morning they sat up, rubbed their eyes and looked around. Then, they ran to the Christmas tree. Their father was sitting by the tree waiting for them.
Jane, the oldest daughter, opened her gift to find a beautiful doll she wanted so much. Tom, the youngest son, could not find his gift. His father told him to go outside. Tom ran out to the garden and found his new bike waiting for him. After that, everyone sat at the kitchen table, where they had breakfast together. Everybody was happy that morning!

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